All Tomorrow's Parties



Science and beauty have moved ever closer over the past few years, heralding the era of the cosmeceutical. Luckily for the believers who worship at its altar, many of the scientific claims seem to hold up. So are men in white lab coats—like 10 Years Younger's Dr. Jan Stanek—the purveyors of a modern beauty ideal, nipping and tucking us into alien-chic perfection? N.V. Perricone's senior nutritionist and trainer Christian Lee says, “Today's consumers want more than a cosmetic effect form a beauty product. They want proper results and cosmeceuticals are in a position to deliver those.” Science has brought once-exclusive beauty treatments and their often life-changing results to the masses—watch the makeover shows and judge for yourself. A bit of DIY micro-dermabrasion will cost you about the same as a coach ticket to Norwich. Plus, cosmeceuticals' multi-taking abilities are legendary. Susie Rogers, founder of London's Beauty Works West, says, “Natural, organic skincare would be the ideal, but unfortunately in most cases it is not as effective as cosmeceuticals.”

We say, approach with caution in this new and relatively uncharted territory. Give us the cold, hard facts and a layman's explanation of terms like ProXylane (Lancome's new patented anti-ageing molecule) and hyaluronic acid (a generic name for Restylane). A lack of industry regulation and credible long-term studies, coupled with hard-to-prove claims, mean skepticism is a must, there's no need to forego cosmeceuticals completely. Through science we'll no doubt continue to search for the elusive (and patently unscientific) fountain of youth.